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NEW GRAVITY—The answer to ‘ Dark Matter? ‘ by Gordon Clarke

New Gravity- A pull on space itself not an attraction between masses fits also the chimera of dark matter. A sphere around the earth hollow in the centre is exactly what you expect of gravity.

Streams of gravity impelled space moving to earth in the shape of a sphere from all directions. Could anything be more obvious or logical?

So called  Black Holes in Galaxys fit precisely with the size of each galaxy. Super size Galaxy larger Black Hole. Additionally where there is an accumulation of denser stars at the centre of a galaxy thereby being closer to the Black Hole  focusing a greater proportion of its power at this point and so producing a supermassive Black Hole. There is no such entity, gravitational pulling power focussed across this central area scatters and accelerates the the stars as they come and go by.

Dark energy is a misinterpretation of redshift  there is no expansion of the universe.

Redshift is caused by the fact that light travels against gravity every inch of its travel so eventually losing frequency. The further away the greater the redshift. Not faster and faster expansion requiring energy from somewhere!

So called Black Holes are simply caused by the focussing of a part of the gravitational pull of the entire galaxy at the centre. Black Holes are not an entity it is a force entirely due to to the size of a galaxy.